Kunskapsskolan is the company and also the brand name for all of the company's schools in Sweden. Kunskapsskolan's Educational Program is called the KED Program and is the complete program and content of Kunskapsskolan's schools and other schools licensed to use it. KED schools are all schools that are licensed to provide the KED program.
Kunskapsskolan's schools in Sweden are all financed through the Swedish voucher system. In the other geographies where Kunskapsskolan has a presence, Kunskapsskolan's services are provided through license agreements or service contracts.
Yes. Kunskapsskolan is a private enterprise and as such depends on earning a surplus in order to raise capital and invest in its commitment to the long-term development of schools and education programs. Kunskapsskolan's business philosophy is based on the conviction that education is an industry that will benefit from players with a long-term perspective, sound finances and stable conditions. It is also convinced that education, as any advanced knowledge industry, needs long-term investments in research, development and innovation.
The Kunskapsskolan model is based on personalized learning where students allocate their study time based on their previous educational experience as well as their individual strengths and weaknesses. This means that students, with the guidance of their coach, identify, set and work towards their own personal goals, with the ambition of achieving high final results. Personal coaching contributes to the student's personal development with students learning to set clear, realistic, yet challenging goals for their studies. Kunskapsskolan aims for students to be able to see their own progress and personal development step by step. Students, alongside their personal coaches, can influence how they spend their time. The environment in which students learn is also key to the Kunskapsskolan model of education. The purpose of architecture is to create the optimal environment for learning, through purpose-designed and multi-functional facilities for lectures, group sessions and individual studies.
For more information please see The KED Program.
All Kunskapsskolan schools follow the curriculum of their own country and adapt to the national, state or local standards, grading systems, requirements and cultures. Staff and teachers are also local, often with extensive teaching experience both locally and internationally. All subjects in KED schools are provided and taught in a way that meets the requirements of the local curriculum and examinations in terms of content, performance, knowledge and grade requirements.
At the same time, we believe that children, as all people, have a lot in common across cultural and national borders and a lot to gain from the international exchange of ideas and experiences. The challenges facing schools and students in different countries have very much in common and we are supposed to prepare the next generation for life in a highly globalized world. We therefore also think it is a great advantage for an educational organization to combine local links and traditions with experiences and exchange from and with other communities and countries.
Contact us and let us discuss and explore how we can help you.
For more information please see Join us / Partners.
Kunskapsskolan can operate or partner with any entity that shares our vision and commitment to provide a first-class education based on the concept of personalization and continuous improvement.
For more information please see Join us / Partners.
During its first 15 years, Kunskapsskolan in Sweden has focused on secondary education, where we have identified the greatest need for renewal and innovations of the kind the KED Program can offer. However, this focus has been chosen for practical and resource reasons and not philosophical. Extending the program to other age levels and forms of education is the next step in our development. In India, Kunskapsskolan runs primary schools in several locations.
For more information please see The KED World.
The KED Program has been developed by practitioners in real schools. The importance of goals and feedback as the power of personalization and individual learning techniques is scientifically well proven. Most of the elements, such as the personal coaching, the emphasis on goals and assessment, the learning progression and the steps and the support of IT in education, are well known methodology that have been practiced by teachers. What makes the KED Program unique is not the different elements of the model, but rather the comprehensive way these elements are put together to support the personalized learning which characterizes Kunskapsskolan.
Many previous efforts to create personalized education have been hampered by facilities designed for a different pedagogical concept or by the absence of supporting processes, resources or technology. In the KED Program, all this has been developed to support the program. Other programs for a personalized learning model have been less successful due to fact that they have merely been used as a way of cutting down on teacher resources or have not been combined with the emphasis on assessment and accountability. The KED Program is, as it has been described by educators, what many professional teachers always tried to do and wanted to do, put together in a coherent program.
All of our current schools are inclusive and open to all students. The basic idea of the KED Program is to recognize each student as a unique individual with her own unique ambitions, talents and conditions. That approach enables the school and its staff to identify personal needs and spend their resources where they make a difference and has accordingly proven to be successful with all categories of students.
The schools follow the relevant curriculum in each location, as well as the national, state and other local standards in each market. The tools of the KED Program can be combined with the requirements of any educational setting, and are designed to support schools in their effort to meet and surpass national, state and local requirements, and become the best performers among comparable schools.
Contact one of our offices or schools.
For more information please see The KED World.
Most of our teachers and other staff members are employed nationally in the relevant markets or locally by individual schools. If you are interested in applying for a position within Kunskapsskolan, you are always welcome to contact us.
For more information please see Join us.
The Kunskapsskolan schools are among the leading schools of Sweden. The success of its KED Program can be judged not only by students’ performance being higher than the Swedish national average, but also by the growth of KED schools across international boundaries. Currently, over 100 KED schools and KED Inspired schools are operational across Sweden, UK, the Netherlands, India, USA and the Middle East. The schools follow the curriculum of each country and grade student performance according to national standards.
Kunskapsskolan Education,
Box 11205, SE-100 61 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel +46 8-506 910 00